Sunday, September 16, 2012

The American Dream Part 1: Definition

I will start this series with a rough definition of The American Dream...

The American Dream Definition:

The American Dream starts with a perfect birth. No problems. Perfect. The baby will grow to high school without getting cancer or any other terrible diseases. The person will get through high school and enter college with a full ride scholarship. This person will go through college without any problems and get his/her dream job. They'll move up to the top in a business. Make tons of money. They won't have any financial trouble. They'll have nice cars, a wonderful family, a gorgeous mansion of a house, and any other luxury you can imagine. Then they'll retire early and have tons of time and money. (Of course, the same will happen to their children and grandchildren.)

So, you might be thinking, what's wrong with this? Let me just say that this is The American Dream. And what's wrong with it? Coming in part two of this three part series.........

(Tell your friends about this, too! Hopefully, these post can get some people thinking. Thanks for reading!)

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