Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Few Tips Part 1

I have been reading a lot of books on how to write good Christian fiction. And I thought I would post just a few tips for all the other writers out there.

#1: Write write write! Write every day. Whether you're pecking two hundred words out or fifty. The number of words doesn't matter! Write every day no matter how bad it may seem. To improve one must write...

#2: Blow through the first draft. Don't edit a chapter after you finish writing it, just write it. Write and don't look back until the first draft is complete...

#3: Keep it true to life. Just because it's fiction doesn't mean you can't use funny stories that have happened to you. One author I read said something like this, "One day I was waiting in line at the airport. By the time I got to the front, I had picked out different people in the crowd, drawn their descriptions down on paper, and planned to use them in a novel I was plotting out." So keep it real...

#4: Don't preach a sermon. This is a huge mistake made by young Christian writers. (Myself included) They have a great story going, then (instead of incorperating a message/theme smoothly) the reader feels like he/she's being preached at. This does a few bad things to a manuscript. It makes the reader draw back and get defensive. And it draws them out of the fictional dream. Not good...

More writing tips to come and something you may never heard of before. A magic paragraph! Check back soon...

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