Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Such a Hatred...

...for God. I found out on this NYC trip that a LOT of people hate God. One lady passed the paint board (for those of you who don't know, the organization I was with, Open Air Campaigners, preaches on the streets while painting the message out on a board) and heard something about Jesus or God. Immediately, she started cussing up a storm about how she didn't want to here about some Jesus Christ. Those weren't her exact words if you catch my meaning.
But it's true! There are so many people out there that hate God. And some that HATE HATE HATE God. Now I ask, and so might you, why? Why hate our all powerful, loving, forgiving God? Well, I think, for one they are, in a way, control freaks. They want to be in control of their lives, their fate, their destiny. Selfishness   is what it boils down to. Their, their, their. In their own words, mine, mine, mine.
Another reason might be 'cause they wonder How could such a great God allow so  much evil in this world? Wouldn't he put a stop to it?
This is one of the main questions that I will cover in my novel. (My still unnamed novel) It is a good question. Why?
According to the Bible, Adam and Eve took the fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They sinned. And ever since then, every human being born into existence (except Christ) has had sin nature. There is no stopping it. We are all sinners.
So here we were separated from God by sin. And headed towards eternal separation in Hell. Then God saw our need and sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on a tree and take the sins of the world on his shoulders. EVERY sin that has ever or will ever be committed was taken on his shoulders.
But that doesn't mean we will all go to heaven. No. To accept God's gift of eternal life with him, we must turn from our sins. Repent from our sins. Then we must trust in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
A third reason that one might hate God. They love their sin. They love being in their sin. And they don't want any part of turning from their sins and loving a God. They God.
Well, sorry for this post's longness. If you have any questions or disagreements please don't hesitate to post them.

Here's the link to Open Air Campaigner's Website:  http://oacusa.org/

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