Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Vice Presidential Debate

Uhg! I am so fired up with this vice presidential debate!!! Did anyone else notice how obnoxiousness Biden was? Of course you did. Everyone did! Every time Paul Ryan got really serious about something, Biden would either smile or laugh. How disrespectful can you get? It was like Biden was saying, "Hey, Ryan, nobody cares! Everyone just wants to hear me and see me. They don't even care about what you have to say." Oh! it makes me mad! I hope and pray that Romney and Ryan win. I don't know if America can take another four years with Obama as president. And I mean no disrespect by that. He just isn't cut out to be President of The United States of America!
Why? Well just a few reasons.

#1. Obama and Biden are saying they're going to "thin down" the Navy. What?! Okay, so because we have this national debt we're going to cut down on our defense to fix it? Why don't we cut down on...well anything else but our defenses.

#2. Abortion. They are Pro-Abortion. This ticks me off. I won't even go into all the details of why this is wrong.

#3. They've had four years to try to fix America and all they've done is mess it up worse!

These are just a few reasons. But they are important points. So remember to vote!!! I can't stress it enough. Go out there and VOTE!!!!


  1. There are good points on both sides, I admit. But I've been looking in on Romney, and I've found out that he's against women's rights, and he implied that he would always make things better for 'Anglo-Saxons', which excluded people with African origins.

    I'm just kind of glad I'm not old enough to vote, honestly. If I could, I would just vote for my friend and leave it at that. :/

  2. I have to disagree a little. I, if I were old enough to vote, would vote for Romney. Because he is pro-life. Babies cannot defend themselves in the womb. The number of babies that have been murdered has sky rocketed. The numbers are staggering.

    Another is again because Obama wants to cut our defenses. If you do that there will be more terrorism, more deaths!

    These are to me some of the most important things to decide on with the coming election. (Of course there are more)
