Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh, Not Again!

Yup, it happened again. I stopped my current (unnamed) novel. I was almost done. My plot was running out.     And I wasn't even halfway to where I wanted to be! Grrrrrr, all that time for another unfinished novel. Well I guess it's time to try again. In the words of Babe Ruth, "Just keep swingin'."

P.S. Perhaps one day I'll fine tune the short novel and publish it on kindle for cheap. Watcha think? Is it a good idea?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I've stopped several novels in the past year or so. I plan to come back to them... some day... in the future...

    That sounds like a great idea! Though it might be cool if you could do it as a paperback book as well; my mom won't let me get a Kindle, and I know a few other kids who have the same predicament. :)
